Transomatic Ayurveda Massage
This unique approach to massage brings healing not only to physical issues but works deeply on the psycho-somatic system as a whole.
Traumatic memories, negative emotions and psychological blockages get trapped like knots or clenches within the physical body. Our sessions work deeply on the physical system as well as on memories and emotions. By bringing awareness into all of these areas, healing can be profound and even life changing. Ultimately, healing always comes from within you, but we will accompany you in your journey and facilitate the process.
It is an relaxing process which balances the elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) within the body and which brings balance to your specific dosha (i.e. your nature or personality type).
The massage is a full body ayurvedic oil massage (Angamardhana).
The session lasts about 2 hours, and at the beginning we will have a short consultation to see the issue you want to explore and heal.